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From Curious Leads to Committed Clients: Your 6-Stage Content Strategy

Updated: Sep 5

I was on a call with a new member of The Inbox Entrepreneur last week.

When I asked her about her biggest business struggle, she said "The leads that I'm getting are interested, but they aren’t committing."

Maybe that sound familiar? 🤷‍♀️

If so, you'll want to keep reading...

Here's the scenario: Your prospects are showing lots of interest in your offer, cheering you on, and opening your emails—but they still aren’t committing. (ugh!)

Although you love the support they're showing- the cheers, “likes,” and email opens aren't paying the bills… 💰👎 (Wouldn’t that be nice?)

Here’s the thing: your leads might be stuck in different stages of the decision-making process, and it’s up to you to guide them through it. 🧭

This is where understanding the Stages of Change Model comes in. 💡

The Stages of Change Model is a powerful tool that can transform ‘maybe later’ into a confident YES! 🙌

Through strategic email and social media content, you can move your leads from awareness to action by meeting them where they are.

Here’s how:

🌱 Pre-Contemplation: At this stage, your lead isn’t yet aware of the need to change or may even be in denial. They’re not thinking about making a change anytime soon.

Action: Plant the seed of possibility with educational content that opens their eyes to what’s possible.

🤔 Contemplation: Your lead is aware of the problem and is considering making a change but hasn’t committed yet. They’re weighing the pros and cons, wondering if it’s worth taking action.

Action: Share stories, testimonials, and solutions that address their hesitations and show the value of taking the next step.

🛠️ Preparation: Your lead is getting ready to make a change soon. They’re gathering information, making small steps, or setting intentions to take action.

Action: Provide actionable insights and quick wins to build confidence and show them they’re capable of achieving their goals.

🚀 Action: Your lead is actively making changes or taking steps to achieve their goals. They’re implementing new behaviors and working towards their desired outcomes.

Action: Deliver targeted offers and calls to action that make it easy for them to commit and take the leap.

🔄 Maintenance: Your lead has made the change and is now working to sustain it- (at this stage they've purchased your product/service... but that shouldn't be the end of your relationship!) In the maintenance stage, your new client is focused on preventing a return to old habits and integrating the new behavior into their daily life.

Action: Continue to provide ongoing support, encouragement, and resources that help them maintain their progress and stay on track.

Relapse (optional): Sometimes, despite the best intentions, your client may slip back into old habits or decide not to move forward. This stage is an opportunity to re-engage and renew their commitment.

Action: Reach out with empathetic content that acknowledges their setback, reassures them that it’s okay (and normal), and provides a clear path to get back on track.

Remember, your content isn’t just about making the initial sale—it’s about guiding your leads and clients/customers through every step of their journey and becoming the go-to resource they trust, return to, and frequently refer to others!

Ready to make your email writing a breeze, knowing that the emails you're sending are backed by the best behavioral-science research? I've got a membership you might like.... 😉 Check it out here.

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