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Amy Kuphal

Email Marketing Tips for When You've Ghosted Your Email List

"I've ghosted my email list for over a year, should I put them through a welcome sequence again?" - Jennifer ("Oops, I've Ghosted Again")

If you're anything like the many business owners I work with, your life is busy!

You're juggling business, your home life, and maybe a few kiddos as well.

And, sometimes things fall through the cracks. (Hey, we're all human... )

If you've ghosted your email list for three months or longer and want to start emailing again, you might be wondering:

"Should I just resend my welcome sequence?" or,

"Maybe I can just pick up emailing my list again like nothing happened?"

Here's my advice as a professional email marketer:

If you’ve been absent from emailing your list for three months or longer, it’s a good idea to acknowledge your absence when you reach out again.

Think about it: If someone in your day-to-day life was talking with you regularly, then seemed to drop off the face of the planet, only to reappear months (or years…) later like nothing happened, it would feel # awkward.

Am I right??

The good news? It’s likely the people on your list are kind-hearted humans who’ll be happy to hear from you again if you approach your reintroduction the right way.

Here’s what to do:

1) Acknowledge the Silence: Start with an email that simply acknowledges the gap and lets your subscribers know you’re back. Make it cheeky if you want….

Ex: “I’ve been a terrible friend. Can you forgive me?”

2) Reintroduce Yourself: In that first email, make sure to reintroduce yourself and remind your subscribers why they initially joined your list.

Ex: “You joined my list to receive tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you plan budget-friendly, healthy meals for your family.

This reintroduction will go a LONG WAY in preventing your subscribers from marking your email as “spam” because they forgot who you were and why they were on your list.

3) Offer value right away: After you’ve apologized for ghosting, reintroduced yourself, and reminded your subscribers why they originally joined, offer them value right away. Pull out your best content to share it with them immediately so they’re reminded of the huge benefits of being on your list.

4) Make it easy for them to unsubscribe. Depending on how long you’ve been absent, your subscribers’ lives may be in a very different place and the information you’re sharing may no longer be useful to them. Make unsubscribing from your list simple. This prevents spam complaints and shows you respect your subscribers.

Want helping writing this reengagement sequence?

For the month of October (my favorite month!), I'm sharing my 2-part reengagement sequence, The Casper Sequence, entirely free. To grab your copy, click the bright pink button below. 👇👇

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